Thursday 7 February 2013

The Omen Joke.

This is the small creepy and powerful scene from The Omen II which shows the audiences about the creepy and fearful battle between the old woman in the red dress and the dangerous black crow (Which the crow was referred as the symbol of the Devil , Satanic Power , Antichrist or Damien Thorn) In the real movie,this scene is very creepy and so powerful as hell! and it is one my favorite and memorable scene about The Omen because it shows of the great face to face dark situation between human and satanic power completely and beautifully.  The old woman faces the black crow before she was thrown to the terrible accident because of the OMEN's cursing or Satan's cursing. Since she was trying to find some truth about Damien and she was trying to tell Damien's parents about him and she faced the horrible death after she told them. It always happens to everyone who try to tell Thorn Family about the son of Devil like they were stopped and killed by Damien's real father or Satan....he is protecting his son as a good father huh?

Even there still have some THE OMEN fans who put this funny and hilarious words in this creepy scenes...but it didn't make the dread of THE OMEN vanished away.... ((XD Maybe?))

Behind the name....

Look likes there are so many ways to said or explained about the common and simple boy name like 'Damien' so much. Since THE OMEN trilogy is the very famous and popular horror movie series in everyone's heart who really love the classic or masterpiece horror movie . Even this series movie has been ending for the very long time but they still have many people who still interest in this movie and the boy who was called 'Damien Thorn' (I'm one of them lol) They still talk and wonder about Damien 's name ...
So,I think this is the very perfect time that I will tell you about his name...

The original version of this name come from Greece and the other version of this name is Damian.

Even the name "Damien" sounds so devilish like the English "demon", but it is not like that anymore. It can  relates as the meaning as "he subdues".  Damien is the French form of the English name Damian (Greek Damao, meaning "to tame"), popular as the name of a martyred Christian saint of the third century (Saints Cosmas and Damian). 

Father Damien or Saint Damien of Molokai, SS.CC. (Dutch: Pater Damiaan or Heilige Damiaan van Molokai) His born name is Jozef De Veuster. He is a Roman Catholic priest from Belgium and member of the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,a missionary religious club. He wins the recognition for his ministry to people with leprosy (also known as Hansen's disease), who had been placed under a government-sanctioned medical quarantine on the island of Molokaʻi in the Kingdom of Hawaiʻi completely.

See...? Damien isn't the devil name or satanic name anymore....
It's just THE OMEN Main character name only...

Personally,I feel annoy a bit that many people still think Damien is the satanic name :/ without any researches or knowledge anymore....

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Ave Satani

This is the original Music theme song or the original soundtrack of The Omen series. This song was named 'Ave Satani' which was composed by Jerry Goldsmith (and he got the only one oscar for this song in his long career. ) It is the strong choral with Latin chant that we can translate it like

"Sanguis bibimus, corpus edimus, tolle corpus Satani" (For this movie,It means "We drink the blood, we eat the flesh, raise the body of Satan"; note that the correct Latin would be, "Sanguinem bibimus, corpus edimus, tolle corpus Satani"), mixed with the crying of "Ave Satani!" and "Ave Versus Christus" (Latin, "Hail, Satan!" and "Hail, Antichrist!").

In addition this song still tells people about the lovely and happy Thorn family which have many disturbing scenes of the family's confrontation with evil.


Please read THIS before you decide to follow it!
If you decided to ignore all of this sincere and careful warning. I can't guarantee anything about your risk and your life :P (JK lol)

++ Welcome to House of Damien Thorn ++

(Special Thanks to : Watch it if you dare enough :P)

  1. This blog is the stories and stuffs about The OMEN trilogy and writes about 'DAMIEN THORN' originally ONLY!
  2. If you found the other entries which have the same words and meaning in TUMBLR like << THIS IS MY OTHER HOME OF DAMIEN.
  3. English isn't my major language anymore. So,don't expect anything that my flaw English skill must be perfect and awesome likes the real native English speakers do.

++++What is THE OMEN TRILOGY?++++

The Omen is a 1976 American/British great and famous horror film directed by Richard Donner. The film stars Gregory Peck (Robert Thorn), Lee Remick (Katherine Thorn) , Harvey Spencer Stephens (Damien Thorn)
A remake, The Omen, was released on June 6, 2006. (06/06/06. XDDD)

2006 version of the OMEN.

+++ Plot +++

This is the story about the chaotic and tragic situations of the warm and cute Family like ' Thorn Family' When the little Damien was born.... 

+++  Who's Damien Thorn? +++

Damien Thorn is the main fictional character and the main antagonist in The Omen .He is the Antichrist and the son of the Devil or Satan even his name is Damien which was referred by many people as the Devil's name but this is just his name in this movie only. So,Damien IS JUST A NAME OF DEVIL'S SON IN THIS MOVIE ONLY.

 Little adorable Damien Thorn with his lovely and warm parents like Robert Thorn and Katherine Thorn.

The remake version of Damien Thorn in 2006. He's cute huh?

He's grow up XD From the cute child becomes a handsome young boy.

Finally! Our little Damien is adult now!

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Because Damien is with you.

I know your loneliness.
I know your pain.
I know your screaming.
I know your crying.

I feel your loneliness.
I feel your pain.
I feel your screaming.
I feel your crying.

I feel your everything.
I feel your breathing.
I feel your screaming.
I feel your everything.

Because I'm here.
Because I'm here.
Because I'm here.
Because I'm here....
To stay with you.

Because I'm here
To watch you down.

Because I'm here
To ignore your hand.

When you are alone….
Please remember me
Please think of me
Please wait for me
Please trust in me.

Because I will forget you
Because I will ignore you 
Because I will abandon you
Because I will break your heart…

Because I'm here.
Because I'm here.
Because I'm here.
Because I'm here....

(My Original Lyric or poem about Damien Thorn.)

"See !!? Damien!? See?!"



-----The Death of lovely Damien's Nanny---


Here's the most powerful and memorable scene in the OMEN ONE which shown the audiences about the creepy and deadly satanic power of the little cute and innocent child like Damien Thorn. It shown that even Damien was just a lovely kid but his powerful and dangerous eyesight could bring people down to the death willingly and happily. 

Yes! It's kind a freak and unbelievable story about the little cute kid who used his devil or satanic power accidentally and innocently for someone who really willing to die and happy to give him with her life and death in his Birthday's celebration among the shocking of people especially his family.

But he's Damien....  Damien Thorn.


Damien's Mysterious Picture.

During the school off in the peaceful and sunny evening in the Friday, Damien had just come back to his wonderful , warm and luxurious American Ambassador's home which he lived his cousin's family and he always missed the holiday times that he wished to spend with their cute family likes Thorn family. 

Today isn't the good day as usual because when he came back to his home,He couldn't find his really close and true 'HUMAN' friend likes Mark who still not come back home and he was making Damien worry about him so much.

Suddenly,his worrying was replaced almost completely by the interesting of the mysterious picture of himself when he found the thin white envelope which addressed to him creepy correctly and carefully since he found that it came from 'NO ONE".

So,how could it came to him?

His think silly black eyebrows were moving together curiously as unsurely while he decided to open that anonymous envelope after he found his full name on it and....

Meanwhile that he's opening surprisingly and excitedly with his trembling hands. He found something fell from the torn envelope on the floor and when he bent himself down to catch it...

He found some mysterious thing on his hands like a photograph of himself when he was turning his head to smile at something in the Loyal American Military school when he stayed at here.

Unfortunenately,it isn't just the only one thing which made him really curious about it like who was the person who took a picture of him secretly?
And what's the red flame aura near his face?

Damien Thorn and The Church.

(This story is based on my Original Text and version from my The Omen's Quotes in

"When I was a child.... My mom forced me to go to the church with my dad as the family's routines in the peaceful and cheerful Sunday Morning." Damien started his story about his life with me comfortably and friendly likes I was his close and trustful friend. 

I didn't tell or respond anything or any words with him because I still didn't know how to said something about this. So, all of I did it just...
I nodded my head as the signal for him to continue his story while my thinking and my head were wondering or craving to see something about the symbol of THE OMEN.

"I really didn't know why they must took me away from my lovely home and my lovely nanny anymore. I think I still be okay as long as they didn't take to any church." he rolled his black eyes and smiled at me ironically while he was asking me with some simple question likes..

"Well,Do you think all of people who go to the churches every Sunday or everyday must be the Saints? I mean everyone..."

Seriously,I was blank likes my brain was deleted all of my data from my thinking in a whole life and my mouth was shut completely like he closed my mouth. It means that I still didn't know how to say or answer his question anymore.

Damien looked at me with his pride smiling on his face like he was the winner because of his so meaningful and wise words especially for his complicated question. I really hate to admits about this so much that his question made me so awkward to answer him.

Why everyone who go to churches must be saints?
And why..
Everyone who read bibles must the saints also?

Because I can do it.
Because I can read it.

So,I must be the saint in your thinking also?"

He gave me with his questions again before he asked me again and again.....

"Do you think I'm a saint?"