Wednesday 30 January 2013

Discovering James (My Short story)

Discovering James

               Last Saturday morning I discovered a new best friend who had just come to me coincidentally and surprisingly when I was at home alone. He told me that his name was James and I called him as he wish. Even I had just meet him for the first time, I swore that I used to see him before in somewhere in my house. 

James was strange and he was the friendliest man that I had ever met in my life, especially when he told me that he would come to see me and play with me while my parents weren’t at home. I was so amazed by his mysterious words and acting but I didn’t fear him anymore. Besides, I liked him so much. James always promised me that when my parents weren’t home, he would come and play with me and teach me to do almost everything like the drawing or reading until I started to stay at home alone happier than usual which I always feared the loneliness. 

Eventually, my parents came back home at the same time that James was showing his magical tricks and James had left me immediately. I was so sad and cried almost all day and night about his leaving which happened to me accidentally. Then I realized something important about him that he was an abandoned doll which I always forgot. Today , I still sleep with my doll beside me and call him James!

Saturday 12 January 2013

ASK DAMIEN # 1 : Your name was referred as the Satanic name?

((Thank you for this official site. Feel free to take a look and watch this!))
((Note : I have already type and publish in my TUMBLR blog about this. But here's my the latest version.
Feel free to visit the older version in :

((Inspiration from The Omen II When Damien still doesn't know about the real himself and the truth about him that he is the son of the devil or the Antichrist.
P.s. Clips from Youtube and pictures from the movie capture only.))

Welcome to the interview with Damien Thorn

((Damien,I really don't want to disturb your free time anymore.
But you should know that there are so many people who really crave to want to know your thinking and your story. Especially for your name.....
What do you think about some of bad rumor about your name which was referred to the name of Devil , The name of Satan or the bad name for kids?))

"Well... It's acceptable and you don't disturb me anymore...." Damien or Damien Thorn , The very good looking boy and the most popular handsome boy among girls said to me comfortably with his soft and cheerful smiling on his face. "And besides,I'm in the mood for answering your question because I had just come home on holiday while Mark and my step parents still not come here. So,I'm available."

((Thank you so much. Damien.... .......))

"Personally, I don't think my name will have some special relationship or something special or mysterious about Satan or devil anymore and I never think about this either. " He replied me slowly and still be comfortably as usual likes he didn't care for anything in my question anymore. "And you know that I was born in Rome and the Church's hospital with my name. Damien.... It just coincident that I was born in Nero 's place and he was the fearful and dreadful Roman emperor who ordered to burn and kill many Christianities which made many people remembered him as the Devil and Satan. But it doesn't mean that I must be the devil."

((So, You don't believe in the rumor anymore? ))

"Yes of course! It's such a very terrible jokes about me and it didn't make me laugh or happy about this anymore...." He answered my question again with his cold and mysterious voice while his .....  creepy and dangerous eyesight was focusing on somewhere and I could say that I felt so thrilled about his eyesight so much. I don't know why.... But some special sense or maybe my six sense told me to stay away from him because he's unusual and he's not just the ordinary boy. "I'm wandering....." He said with himself quietly likes he didn't know that I was with him. "Who dared to make the stupid jokes about this? Seem likes this is the rubbish plan of someone who jealous of me."

((Sadly,Damien..... I really don't know about it either. They didn't tell me about their reason. Anyway,Thank you so much for answering and your thinking.))

After he heard all of my words which I had just say to him,he smiled at me innocently and cheerfully again. "It's alright...  If you have some silly question that you really want to know the answer from me. Feel free to ask me anytime... You know that I didn't hear any jokes for the very long time......" He still said to me normally before his voice.... Yes! I mean his real voice which was changing to be cold and his smiled on his face. If I wasn't fooled by my eyes.. I saw the.... The red of the hell fire in his eyes. I don't know how did it came but it started to confirm me a little by little that Damien is a very special person that I have ever seen anyone in my life. 
"Hmm....  And I don't think you will believe in this rumor either?"

((Su-Sure! Damien....  You don't need to worry about anything and what about yourself? The readers? Do you believe in this rumor likes Damien asked me.))

((Well,Damien ....
I mean the real name of Damien was misunderstood by many people because of The Omen Trilogy horror movies which used Damien as the name of the Antichrist or the son of Devil. So,It just... its meaning from the movie only likes you see it.

Thank you !!!!!))